Daniel Stenberg

- Biography
I am a computer consultant, a computer freak, a hacker. I've been programming for fun and profit since 1985. You'll find lots of info about my various projects on these web pages.
I work for and with Haxx. I'm involved in organizing events in the foss-sthlm and FSCONS series. I'm a proud member of Fossgruppen.
I do contract development full-time. Primarily within these areas: embedded systems, open source and curl/libcurl. Get in touch to hire me.
I enjoy traveling a lot, doing white water kayaking, playing innebandy, watching good movies and having a good irish ale.
I live in Huddinge, just south of Stockholm, Sweden. My addresses, maps and public keys.
I treasure my wife Anja, and our kids Agnes and Rex.
Together with Simon Josefsson, I received the Nordic Free Software Award in 2009.
- Blog
- http://daniel.haxx.se/blog/
- Microblog
- http://twitter.com/bagder
My talks
- Sat 17:15 - 18:00 Talk: SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web