= Release Notes == 0.9.x The main departure of the 0.9.x series form older version of Turn, is that the old TestUnit library (1.x series) is no longer supported. Turn is now a MiniTest only library.[1] Among other imporvements, the default reporter is now the Pretty reporter instead of the orginal Outline reporter, and MiniTest skips are finally supported. Big thanks to y8, Alexey Bondar and others for helpig to get this series up to snuff. [1] Note that the old testunit runner is still included in the package if it is needed, but no longer will be actively maintained and it must be directly required to be used. == 0.8.x Version 0.8.0 is a fairly significant release for Turn. This release adds support for Ruby 1.9's Minitest framework. You can even use minitest with Ruby 1.8 by supplying the --minitest option on the turn command line. In addition, two new reporters have been a added, a new "pretty" reporter which provides a more a modern "OSX" look (thanks Paydro) and a Cue reporter which seeks user input with each failure or error (thanks Shindo). With this release we are encouraging users to move away from using autorun modes. Autorunning is when your test script includes code that "automagically" sets up a test runner, e.g. require 'test/unit' and MiniTest::Unit.autorun, and by simply running the scripts through the ruby interpretor the tests get run. There are a number of problems with this approach. To begin with, running tests this way limits Turn of a single mode of operation (that's no fun!) More importantly it prevents interoperability between the old TestUnit and the new MiniTest systems. By leaving these out and using a commandline runner you can use the same tests for each version of Ruby. This may require some adjutments to build tools, but hell, why not use Turn there too. The Turn::Controller class makes it damn easy. One last note. Turn is no longer compatible with TestUnit 2.0+. TestUnit and MiniTest are deverging and after some consideration it was decided that Turn's goal is to support Ruby's native test framework, whatever it may be. Enjoy!