@blondinrikard jag menade: Fscons flattr-account är inaktivt! (blev lite fel där)
@blondinrikard jag menade: Fscons flattr-account är inaktivt! (blev lite fel där)
@fscons your Flattr account is inactive! That's not good! I subscribe! /o\
@fscons your Flattr account is inactive! That's not good! I subscribe! /o\
@chulu Yeah, hopefully I'll see you there during FSCONS this year ;)
@chulu Yeah, hopefully I'll see you there during FSCONS this year ;)
RT @kirschner: @grote 's #FSCONS talk about Centralized Internet Services #webm http://is.gd/GJYv2g or #torrent http://is.gd/ThZq1g #fs #fsfe #gnu
RT @kirschner: @grote 's #FSCONS talk about Centralized Internet Services #webm http://is.gd/GJYv2g or #torrent http://is.gd/ThZq1g #fs #fsfe #gnu
Watch FSCONS 2010: #Web #Search By The #People, For The People on Vimeo! http://vimeo.com/18742908 #google #bing #yacy http://yacy.net
Watch FSCONS 2010: #Web #Search By The #People, For The People on Vimeo! http://vimeo.com/18742908 #google #bing #yacy http://yacy.net
kirschner: @grote 's #FSCONS talk about Centralized Internet Services #webm http://is.gd/GJYv2g or #torrent... http://ff.im/-wUbdT
kirschner: @grote 's #FSCONS talk about Centralized Internet Services #webm http://is.gd/GJYv2g or #torrent... http://ff.im/-wUbdT
@grote 's #FSCONS talk about Centralized Internet Services #webm http://is.gd/GJYv2g or #torrent http://is.gd/ThZq1g #fs #fsfe #gnu
@grote 's #FSCONS talk about Centralized Internet Services #webm http://is.gd/GJYv2g or #torrent http://is.gd/ThZq1g #fs #fsfe #gnu
RT @ffkp: One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
RT @ffkp: One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
RT @ffkp One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
RT @ffkp One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
RT @ffkp: One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
RT @ffkp: One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
RT @blondinrikard: ♺ @ffkp: One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
RT @blondinrikard: ♺ @ffkp: One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
♺ @ffkp: One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
♺ @ffkp: One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
One step in the shaping of #FSCONS was our manifesto. Fell free to comment on it! http://ur1.ca/310qh
My #FSCONS talk "Centralized Internet Services and Problems of Power" is now up as #WebM http://is.gd/GJYv2g or #torrent http://is.gd/ThZq1g
My #FSCONS talk "Centralized Internet Services and Problems of Power" is now up as #WebM http://is.gd/GJYv2g or #torrent http://is.gd/ThZq1g
@barbasoleil jag menar förstås i höst! #fscons är typ i november. Det är en grej för #vrev to say teh least!
@barbasoleil jag menar förstås i höst! #fscons är typ i november. Det är en grej för #vrev to say teh least!
@barbasoleil Under tiden jag kommer ihåg det. Nästa höst ska du hänga med till Göteborg på #fscons ;) #uteiextremtgodtid
@barbasoleil Under tiden jag kommer ihåg det. Nästa höst ska du hänga med till Göteborg på #fscons ;) #uteiextremtgodtid
RT @yacy_search: #fscons 2010 talk video about #YaCy - free content depends on free, decentralized seach - http://vimeo.com/18742908 #anti-censoring
RT @yacy_search: #fscons 2010 talk video about #YaCy - free content depends on free, decentralized seach - http://vimeo.com/18742908 #anti-censoring
@lillmacho Om du har tid och lust får du gärna kika på http://wiki.fscons.org/page/FSCONS_Manifest#FSCONS_Manifesto_v0.9 och tycka saker :)
@lillmacho Om du har tid och lust får du gärna kika på http://wiki.fscons.org/page/FSCONS_Manifest#FSCONS_Manifesto_v0.9 och tycka saker :)
RT @yacy_search: #fscons 2010 talk video about #YaCy - free content depends on free, decentralized seach - http://vimeo.com/18742908 #anti-censoring
RT @yacy_search: #fscons 2010 talk video about #YaCy - free content depends on free, decentralized seach - http://vimeo.com/18742908 #anti-censoring