More on previous sponsors

2010 Sponsors

Nordic Culture Fund Logotype

Nordic Culture Fund provides 45,000 SEK to the conference. In particular, their sponsorship provides funding for the scholarships for Nordic participants.


Google Logotype

Google, contributes as a Gold sponsor to the conference.


Nokia Logotype

Nokia, contributes as a Gold sponsor to the conference.


.SE Logotype

.SE - The Internet Infrastructure Foundation, contributes as a Gold sponsor to the conference.


Göteborg & Co Logotype

Göteborg & Co, näringslivsgruppen, contributes with 15,000 SEK to the conference.


GGS-Data Logotype

GGS-Data, contributes as a Silver sponsor.


bentrix Logotype

bentrix, contributes installation and support of an approved cash register system.


Department of Applied IT - IT University Logotype

The Department of Applied IT, IT Faculty of the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers Technical University provide the conference venue.


Society for Free Culture and Software Logotype

The Society for Free Culture and Software, provides administrative support, personnel, financial management and marketing.


Linux Journal Logotype

Linux Journal, sponsors with advertisement space in their magazine and on their web pages.


O'reilly Logotype

O'reilly, sponsors with advertisement space in their magazine and on their web pages.


Linux Magazine Logotype

Linux Magazine, sponsors with advertisement space in their magazine and on their web pages.


Ubuntu User Logotype

Ubuntu User, sponsors with advertisement space in their magazine and on their web pages.

2009 sponsors

Google logo
Nordisk Kulturfond logo
Mozilla Foundation Europe
Linux Journal logo
Linux Magazine logo
Nokia Qt
Rejås Datakonsult

2008 Sponsors

PrimeKey Solutions

Rejås Datakonsult
Google logo
Nokia Qt
Linux Magazine logo
GGS-Data Logotype

2007 Sponsors

Google logo
Nokia Qt
Tic Tac Toe Industries
Rejås Datakonsult
Sandklef GNU Labs
GGS-Data Logotype