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What happens next?

Resources keep coming in

It's really nice to see that you keep sending us photos and even links of interest that were gathered during FSCONS! Please keep those feedbacks coming!

We are also grateful for all slides that we receive, which we attach (as a link) to the 2010 schedule. Did you give a speech and find that your slides are missing? Please drop us an email, and we'll sort that out as soon as possible.

Also, it would be really nice to hear more about projects and friendships that took off during this year's meetup in Gothenburg.

What's going on now?

Work has begun, shortly after the week-end in November was over, to put down in writing a manifesto of sorts concerning what we feel FSCONS is really about and what values are important to us, so that we all have something to lean on when planning for the future. Our work will soon be published and available to the public.

We are also working on a survey to better understand what you all made of the arrangements and of the conference as a whole. Please expect an invitation to partake in this and give us feedback.

Also, the progress of making the videos of the sessions available is in full bloom. Please be patient, though, as we have several TBs of material to process for publishing :) Updates on this process will come as we progress!

Help us organize next FSCONS

If you want to actively take part in the shaping of the next FSCONS, you are welcome to join our discussion email list, where we will announce our planning meetings and resources. Also feel free to write us at our info email, or using the said list, and tell us what you specifically want to help us with. For instance we look for web developers who are fluent in drupal, but we welcome your assistance in many areas so there is no need for you to be technically skilled in order for you to contribute in making next year's FSCONS a great experience!

Miss any information?

Please do comment on this post if you have additional feed-back or any questions regarding past or future FSCONS sumits. Until next post, thanks and take care!

//FSCONS staff


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