
Detailed schedule

Keynotes speakers

Photo of Karen Sandler

Karen Sandler

Saturday 14:00, Stora hörsalen

Karen Sandler is the executive director of the GNOME Foundation, an attorney, and former general counsel of the Software Freedom Law Center.

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Photo of Smári McCarthy

Smári McCarthy

Sunday 14:00, Stora hörsalen

Smári McCarthy is an Icelandic/Irish innovator and information activist. He is executive director of the International Modern Media Institute, a co-founder and board member of the Icelandic Digital Freedoms Society (FSFÍ) and a participant in the Global Swadeshi movement. He is a founding member of the Icelandic Pirate Party, and stood as their lead candidate in Iceland's southern constituency in the 2013 parliamentary elections. He was the spokesperson and one of the organizers of the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative.

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TrackRoom on SaturdayRoom on Sunday
Welcome to Dystopia Stora hörsalen
Visions for a sustainable economy Lilla hörsalen
Trust is good, control is better C444
Serengeti C454 C454
Administering the revolution Stora hörsalen
Doing it ourselves Lilla hörsalen
Wikimedia C444
Language and technology C362

Lightning talks

These are short talks which anyone can sign up to hold. Register at the spot to present your project, organisation or crazy idea!

DayTime on SaturdayTime on SundayRoom
Lightning talks18:1518:15Stora hörsalen

Social events

Social activities are planned in the evenings of all three days. These include movies, music and just hanging out together.

Keysigning pary: After a few talks showing you how to regain control of your email hosting, in the track "Trust is Good, Control is Better", you will have a chance to strengthen your OpenPGP and Webs of Trust by certifying each other's identity.

Movie night: Come and watch free-as-in-free-speech movies and eat popcorn!

Libre Jam: Evening concert and jam, where the audience will also be able to listen to the results of the workshop.