
Looking for information about individual talks? Go to the detailed schedule

Keynotes speakers

Ken McLeod at Worldcon 2005 in Glasgow, August 2005. Picture taken by Szymon Sokół.

Ken MacLeod Saturday 14:00, Stora hörsalen

Scottish science fiction writer. Read more.

Picture Szymon Sokół/Wikimedia Commons

Birgitta Jónsdóttir

Birgitta Jónsdóttir Sunday 14:00, Stora hörsalen

Poetician and activist in the Icelandic Parliament for the Pirate Party. Read more.


Track Day
P2P Society Saturday
Everyday Crypto Saturday
Biohacking (in collaboration with Biohacking Safari) Saturday
Misc. Sunday
Groundbreaking User Experiences Sunday
Keepers of Culture Sunday

Lightning talks

These are short talks which anyone can sign up to hold. Register at the spot to present your project, organisation or crazy idea!

Social events

Social activities are planned in the evenings of both days. These include movies, music and just hanging out together.