2014 Highlights
Highlights from FSCONS 2014
Karl Fogel and Leigh Honeywell keynoted FSCONS 2014. Karl's keynote highlighted the importance of communicating issues around information monopolies using a correct(ted) vocabulary. His talk included an extensive amount of humor and some animated film. Leigh talked about models for change, what we can learn about change from different types of communities, it was a very inspirational talk well received by the audience.

-Second year at Hummanisten
2014 marked the second year FSCONS took place at the Gothenburg University Faculty of Arts, Hummanisten. The venue located in the very center of Gothenburg in a beautiful setting was appreciated by organizers and attendees alike.
-Some of the most established free software projects present
With representatives present from GNOME, Mozilla and Wikimedia it is safe to say that some of the largest and most respected free software projects were present at FSCONS 2014.

-Appreciated lightning talks
The lighting talks took this year place in the open cafe area, this appreciated move drove extra interest and attention to the lightning talks.
We want to thank attendees, volunteers and our sponsors for making FSCONS 2014 happen! Just let us know if you are interested to join our efforts with organsizing FSCONS 2015.